How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Car Accident?

How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Car Accident?Specialist Personal Injury Solicitors

We are Solicitors that specialise in Car Accident Injury Claims.  We can help you claim compensation at no cost to you.

Call us now on 028 9002 5511 or use our Free Online Enquiry.

At McGee Solicitors we are experts in representing clients in accident compensation claims. Our team has the expertise to obtain the best possible outcome for you.

If you have been in a car accident you could be wondering how much compensation you would be entitled to.

The amount of compensation you are able to obtain depends on the seriousness of the injuries and also the impact on you and your day to day life. The amount of compensation therefore that you can get can vary widely from case to case.

“Professional and friendly, always kept me up to date with proceedings, and my claim was swift and smooth. Everyone I spoke to was helpful, and I always got a quick response to any query. Highly recommend McGee Solicitors for personal injury claims.”

To give you an idea of the amounts that can be awarded after a car accident we set out below examples of some of the cases we have recently dealt with:-

Accident On A Bus

How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Car Accident?Our client was a passenger on a bus which was rear ended by a car. Our client was thrown from his seat and suffered whiplash type injuries to his neck, shoulder and back. There was a dispute regarding who was responsible for the accident. We were able to resolve that without the need for going to Court.  Our client was awarded the sum of £5,300 in compensation.

This is a good example of the compensation award you can expect for a whiplash type injury which can take over a year before the injury has completely resolved.

Car Collision Accident

Another case that we recently dealt with a with a lady who was in an accident where another vehicle collided with her vehicle.  Causing significant damage to her car and she suffered injuries, anxiety and upset after the accident.

The psychological injuries were actually more serious in this accident as the lady was very upset and was badly affected by nightmares, flashbacks and a general feeling of travel anxiety after the collision.

We obtained an orthopaedic surgeon’s report which dealt with our client’s physical injuries regarding her back and neck. We also obtained a psychiatric assessment of our client which detailed the psychological symptoms that she was undergoing after the accident.

After negotiating with the insurance company we were able to secure a compensation settlement of £8,000 for our client without the need for Court proceedings. We were able to resolve this relatively quickly after the accident.

As you can see the amount of compensation that you are able to get after a car accident can vary and it is largely based on the type of injuries and how long the injuries last for. If your injuries resolve very quickly in a matter of weeks or months, then obviously your compensation claim is not going to be worth as much as one with injuries that takes over a year to resolve.

Car Accident Involving A Family Of Three

How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Car Accident?We recently were able to help a family of three who were involved in a car accident. A car pulled out colliding with the side of the vehicle that the family were travelling in. Both parents and child were all injured in the accident and went to A&E for treatment. All were suffering from whiplash injuries and were very shaken up after the accident.

We obtained orthopaedic reports detailing the physical injuries they suffered from and we negotiated a settlement of £5,500 for both parents. In relation to the child that was in the back of the car, the injuries sustained were thankfully less serious mainly due to the robust car seat that the child was belted into. The settlement that we were able to secure for the child was £2,500 which is held by the Court’s Funds Office until the child reaches the age of 18 and can access the money at that point.

We have helped many people who have been involved in car accidents.  We have been able to secure for them compensation settlements for the injuries and the suffering that was caused by the accident.

If you have been in a car accident give us a call to discuss your case for free and without obligation. We will give you clear and friendly advice so that you know where you stand and what your best options are moving forward. We will not put you under any pressure or ask for any money as we offer a free consultation.

Pre-Medical Compensation Offer

How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Car Accident?Some insurance companies will offer compensation in the region of £2,500 to £3,000 immediately after an accident without the need for getting a medical report. We have helped many clients obtain this and we have taken care of all aspects of the claim for them. Essentially what happens is that the insurance company will offer a sum between £2,500 to £3,000 to quickly resolve the claim without the need for us obtaining a medical report for you. This can be a very attractive option for clients because it means that they are able to obtain a significant sum of compensation very quickly after an accident and they do not have to be seen by a doctor or get a medical report.

There are limited circumstances in which this is appropriate however. First of all it has to be clear that the other driver is at fault and secondly the injuries sustained have to be relatively minor in nature. It would not be appropriate to agree a pre-medical settlement in a case in which there are significant injuries and the claim is clearly worth a lot more. It is also important in most cases to obtain a medical report to ensure that there is nothing underlying or concerning regarding the injuries and the symptoms and pain that you might be suffering from.

If you have been in an accident and you think your injuries are relatively minor and you are not sure whether to make a claim, then call us to discuss this in more detail. It may be the case where we are able to obtain for you a pre-medical offer and ensure that you get compensated swiftly after an accident.

We offer a free consultation and we are experts specialising in personal injury accident claims.

In cases where a pre-medical settlement is agreed all of the legal costs are paid for by the insurance company which means you will keep 100% of your compensation and there will be no outstanding sums due to us.

Serious Injuries Sustained In An Accident

If the injuries that you have sustained are very serious causing catastrophic or life changing injuries then the amount of compensation you are due is going to be very very significant to compensate you for the injuries and suffering that you have sustained.

For example, if you have had to undergo surgery and you have life changing injuries which are having an enormous impact on your day to day life then your compensation claim is going to be worth a significant sum.

Also, if you are unable to work or you have lost your career, then this is another factor that will be brought into your compensation claim to ensure that every part of your claim is pursued and that we are able to obtain the maximum compensation possible for your case.

“First class – Knowledgeable, reassuring and professional.”

Accident Compensation Calculator

We have created a Compensation Calculator so that you are able to get an estimate of what your Accident Claim could be worth:-

What Can I Claim For?

After a car accident there can be a number of different elements which we are able to pursue compensation for on your behalf. The most common one is physical injuries such as whiplash, neck or shoulder pain after a car accident. We can also pursue a compensation claim for psychological upset and anxiety after an accident by obtaining a psychiatric report which will detail the impact the accident has had on you and any nightmares or flashbacks that you could be suffering from.

Another very common part of a compensation claim is the loss of earnings which are wages or financial losses that you have suffered as a direct result of the accident. This is very often due to time off work where you have not been paid or you have been paid Statutory Sick Pay. In those circumstances we would claim on your behalf the financial loss that you have suffered from your normal wages that you were being paid, less the Statutory Sick Pay that you would be getting during any time off work.

A recent case that we dealt with regarding a significant loss of earnings claim, was a man who was involved in a head on collision in which a car was overtaking another vehicle coming in the opposite direction and collided with our client’s vehicle.

We obtained a number of orthopaedic reports dealing with the serious physical injuries that were sustained. Our client was unable to work for nearly a year after the accident but was able to obtain some pay from his employers whilst he was off work. There was also a dispute regarding who was at fault and Court proceedings had to be issued.

We were able to resolve the case without the need for a Court hearing and our client did not have to go to Court. After lengthy negotiations our client obtained compensation for his injuries of £10,000.  He also had his loss of earnings claim of £6,000.  Making a total settlement of £16,000.

Why Choose Us?

How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Car Accident?Michael McGee wanted to create a law firm that really cared about his clients. Other law firms seem to be distant and impersonal and hard to get hold of. Michael realised that many people were not getting the legal service they deserve and he was determined to do things better than the other solicitors out there.

We specialise in whiplash claims and we really care about our clients. Michael realised that many other solicitors claim to specialise in personal injury law but do not have the focused expertise of a law firm that specialises in the area of whiplash claims.

This is why we guarantee to provide a better service than other solicitors. We know how much your legal issue can affect you and that is hugely important to us to provide the best possible service.

If you have a whiplash injury then call us today on 028 9002 5511 or Make A Free Online Enquiry so that you can talk to us about your case and we can give you free advice and guidance so that you make the best decision.

“Thrilled with the Settlement” – 5 star

“Cannot recommend McGee Solicitors highly enough, did a great job for me in helping with an accident claim, I was thrilled with the settlement they achieved for me, Thanks guys.” Client Review

We are friendly and approachable and always available. We have been able to help many people who have been involved in work accidents  We we would be able to help you also if you are in those circumstances.

Contact Us

We can help you get compensation for a car accident claim at no cost to you.

We are specialist Whiplash Accident Solicitors in Belfast.  You can be assured that you are getting the best advice and assistance available.

To make a free, no obligation enquiry, please call us now on 028 9002 5511, email us on or Make An Online Enquiry.

    5 Star Service

    “5 star service from Michael as usual. I have been using his services for quite some time and can honestly say he has always went miles out of his way to accommodate my every need at every point I have required them. Brilliant firm, thanks for all your help.”

    Extremely Friendly

    “Extremely friendly, professional service. Everything is dealt with efficiently and with no hassle whatsoever. Highly recommended.”

    Highly Recommend

    “I would highly recommend them for their service. They were friendly, approachable and very professional. They put me at ease from the start and made everything straight forward. They were always available when I needed their advice throughout. Thank you for all your help.”

    10 / 10 Rating! – Accident at Work

    “If there was a rating system for Solicitors/Law Firms you would be 10/10! Thanks again to Michael McGee for the successful outcome of my Personal Injury Claim. I never thought that it would have realised the amount that you secured on completion of the case. All the way you remained contactable and reassured me throughout, I am so grateful for this as being injured can be stressful enough without added anxiety. Even though I was injured in an industrial accident and still have the aches and pains, the compensation you won for me helps to make my family more comfortable.”