I Have Had An Accident At Work Can I Claim?

I Have Had An Accident At Work Can I Claim?

I Have Had An Accident At Work. Can I Claim?

If you have been injured in an accident at work because your employer or another worker was negligent, you can bring a claim for compensation against your employer. This applies even if you haven’t worked there for very long or if you are a temporary or agency worker.

It may feel awkward bringing legal action against the company you work for, but it is a requirement that they have insurance in place to cover employees in respect of injuries and the claim will be made against the insurance company.

You are entitled to enforce your rights and if you have been injured you should not be made to feel as if you cannot make a claim.

I Have Had An Accident At Work Can I Claim?

We are Solicitors that specialise in Work Accident Injury Claims, and we can help you claim compensation at no cost to you.

Call us now on 028 9002 5511 or use our Free Online Enquiry.

At McGee Solicitors we are experts in representing clients in work accident compensation claims. Our team has the expertise to obtain the best possible outcome for you.

How Can We Help?

At McGee Solicitors we have wide experience of bringing compensation claims on behalf of clients who have been injured at work. Our team regularly deal with insurance companies and their lawyers and we have an in-depth understanding of their tactics.

We are a friendly firm and we will stay by your side throughout your case to ensure that you feel supported. We are always available to speak to you on the phone  Ensuring that you are kept up to date with progress and that you understand the procedure.

To speak to us about your work accident, call us on 028 90 394 131 or fill in our no-obligation Free Enquiry Form and we will be happy to discuss your situation with you.

“If there was a rating system for Solicitors/Law Firms you would be 10/10! Thanks again to Michael McGee for the successful outcome of my Personal Injury Claim. I never thought that it would have realised the amount that you secured on completion of the case. All the way you remained contactable and reassured me throughout, I am so grateful for this as being injured can be stressful enough without added anxiety. Even though I was injured in an industrial accident and still have the aches and pains, the compensation you won for me helps to make my family more comfortable.”

Dealing With An Accident At Work

If you are injured while at work, you should ensure that your colleagues are aware of what has happened. Ideally, the company’s first aider will have treated you and you will have been accompanied to hospital by a colleague.

You should also ensure that your manager knows the details of the accident. If your employee handbook has a procedure for dealing with accidents, try and follow that as closely as you can. There should be an accident book available for writing up the details of what happened.

At this stage, there is no need to talk about who is to blame, you should simply record the facts and ensure that you are receiving medical treatment. Take photos of the area and any equipment that was involved in the accident as soon as you can, or ask a trusted colleague to obtain these for you.

You should also write down a full account of what happened, including anything that you were asked to do and by whom.

Keep full details of all of your injuries and the medical treatment have had. Again, photos of injuries should be taken. In addition, keep a record of expenses you have incurred and any other loss, such as the chance of a promotion or a bonus you would have earned had you not been away from work.

If you continue to have pain or other symptoms over the weeks and months following your accident, you should continue to seek medical help. This will help your solicitor demonstrate the severity of your injuries.

Are You Entitled To Compensation For An Accident At Work?

If you have had an accident while at work which was not your fault and you have suffered an injury, then you are likely to be entitled to compensation.

Is My Employer Responsible For My Accident At Work?

Your employer must meet high standards in providing a safe place of work. If they breach their duty of care to you or are negligent and this has contributed to your accident then you have the right to be compensated for your injuries.

To discuss whether you can make an accident compensation claim, you can speak to our expert legal team. Once we have some of the details of the incident, we will be able to advise you as to whether you can bring a case.

“I would encourage anyone who like me was ‘green’ to the process of claiming let McGee Solicitors represent them. I can only thank them right now for their help and the positive outcome of my claim.”

Accident Claim Compensation Calculator

What To Expect When Making A Claim For An Accident At Work

I Have Had An Accident At Work. Can I Claim?Once you have instructed a solicitor to act on your behalf, the process of making a compensation claim can begin. At McGee Solicitors we have connections with experienced medical professionals and barristers who understand the procedure and will be able to act on your behalf. We will arrange for you to see the right medical experts and for reports to be prepared to assess your injuries and the likely long-term prognosis.

Once we have commenced your claim, we will find out whether the insurance company is prepared to admit liability. If they are, then we will negotiate with them to see whether we are able to agree on the amount of compensation to be paid.

If they do not admit liability or the amount of compensation cannot be agreed, the case will proceed further, although it will often still be settled before it actually reaches court.

The length of time your case is likely to take will depend on the extent of your injuries and whether your employer and their insurer admit liability. If your injuries are substantial or they may take a long time to heal it is best not to settle too quickly until the long-term implications for you can be considered.

How We Will Help You Throughout Your Accident At Work Claim

Our personal injury lawyers specialise in obtaining compensation for accidents at work and have made successful claims for many clients. We are friendly and approachable.  We are always available to talk to you to discuss your case and answer any questions you may have.

“Michael was absolutely amazing through my time with him, constantly checking on my mental and physical state as well as keeping me updated regularly. I couldn’t recommend a better team to work with in any legal situation. Again, thanks Michael.”

We are proactive in pursuing claims and will keep you updated as to the progress in your case. When we receive offers of compensation we will sit down with you and talk through whether we believe they are sufficient or if we think you are entitled to receive more.

We will negotiate robustly on your behalf to obtain a sum that is fair recompense for your injuries.

We guarantee you will keep 100% of your compensation. Some firms take a percentage or fee from your compensation. We do not do that, so everything that you are awarded is yours to keep. If your claim is successful, you can usually expect to have your legal fees paid by the other side as well.

Contact Us

As expert personal injury solicitors with in-depth understanding of claims following accidents at work.  We have the knowledge and experience to obtain the best possible compensation on your behalf. We are friendly and approachable.  We will stay by your side throughout the transaction to ensure you are kept fully informed and supported.

If you would like to talk to us about an injury you have suffered, call us on 028 90 394 131, email us at info@mcgeesolicitors.co.uk or fill in our no-obligation Free Enquiry Form.


      Contact Info

      Belfast Office
      55-59 Adelaide Street
      BT2 8FE
      028 9002 5511

      Derry Office
      73 Clarendon Street
      Derry / Londonderry
      BT48 7ER
      028 71 229 343

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      "Couldn’t recommend McGee solicitors enough, they are very friendly and informative. You’ll get 100% honesty and your case will be dealt with efficiently no matter day or night they are easily contacted and couldn’t do enough to help. Excellent service wouldn’t go anywhere else."

      March 14, 2023